When it comes to web designing which fonts and font combinations you are using plays a major role, in fact, fonts are the most important element in a design.
You can obviously use some premium fonts to make your design stand out from the rest but as you know premium fonts come with its own price tag.
If you are willing to compromise a bit on the fonts design google fonts can be a great option and it has very good alternatives to some premium fonts.
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Google fonts are very easy to use and have such good cross-browser support it has become the standard fonts for the web.
That’s why you will see google fonts are being used everywhere on the web starting from websites to web apps even page builders like Elementor use google fonts as their main font library.
So the question comes what google font combination should we use so in this article, I’ll show you some of the best Google font pairings according to me you can use to make your design even better.
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How to choose a good font pairing
There are over 950+ fonts in the google fonts library and you can come up with all sorts of font combinations but there are some rules of thumbs you can follow to make this process easier for you.
Contrasting fonts combination between title and body: This is the most important point to keep in mind, you should have good contrast between your title and body font.
Ideally, your title should be large, bold and impactful and the body text should be light, this creates a great contrast that is pleasing to the eyes and easy to read.
Mix typefaces: Extending the topic of contrast you can use mix typefaces like serif and sans serif to create a nice balance in your page. You can use serif fonts for heading and sans serif fonts for body text or visa versa.
Don’t count out single font: This point may contradict with the previous point but you can use just one font for your entire website just like I’m doing on this site. If you have a simple blog you can use just one font with varying font weights to create the contrast.
Enough talking let’s get right into the font combinations.
Heading: Archivo Black
Body: Abhaya Libre
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Abril fatface
Body: Didact Gothic
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Libre Franklin
Body: Pontano Sans
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Vollkorn Regular Italic
Body: Raleway
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Noto Serif Bold
Body: Noto Sans
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Work Sans Bold
Body: Open sans
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Alegreya Bold Italic
Body: Lato
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Philosopher
Body: Muli
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Merriweather Bold
Body: Hind Vadodara
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Lobster
Body: Roboto Slab
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Ubuntu Bold
Body: Sintony
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Domine Bold
Body: Roboto Light
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Montserrat Bold
Body: Adamina
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Alike Italic
Body: Prompt Light
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Coda Bold
Body: Arima Madurai
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Anton
Body: Signika Light
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Sanchez Bold
Body: Maven Pro
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Cinzel Bold
Body: Hind Guntur
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Nobile Bold
Body: Fanwood Text
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Yeseva One
Body: Crimson Text
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Lustria Bold
Body: Lora
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Playfair Display Bold Italic
Body: Hind
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Fredoka One
Body: Average Sans
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Suranna Bold
Body: Catamaran
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Cormorant Infant Bold Italic
Body: Nunito Sans
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Nunito Light
Body: PT Sans
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Josefin Sans Light
Body: Monda
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Armata Bold
Body: Bitter
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Archivo Narrow Bold
Body: Questrial
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Arvo
Body: Pontano Sans
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Varela Round Bold
Body: Arimo
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Oswald
Body: Quattrocento
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Candal
Body: Source Sans Pro
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Libre Baskerville
Body: Rubik
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Ultra
Body: Antic Slab
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Gravitas One
Body: Arsenal
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Sumana Bold
Body: Titillium Web Regular
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Didact Gothic Bold
Body: Andika
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Source Serif Pro
Body: Arapey
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Roboto Mono
Body: Space Mono
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Roboto Condensed Bold
Body: Cabin
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: Alice
Body: Cutive Mono
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
Heading: EB Garamond Bold Italic
Body: Quicksand
Click to edit the font style and generate your CSS
To save you time I have listed the most commonly used google fonts pairings but I’ve just scratched the surface of the iceberg here. If you follow the pattern in the list above you can come with your own font combinations.
So what google font combinations are you using for your website? Let us know in the comments section below.
Don’t forget to share this post with your friends.
Worth the Google search, I landed on this blog after going through a few before… but this one really helped me out 🙂
Thank you so much for such a beautiful and informative blog, helped me solve the issue and also enjoyed reading it 🙂
Glad that you found my blog useful Arun!