Here is a list of some of the best CSS modal windows examples.
Popup/Modal without JS
Dev: Paul
Pure Css Popup
Dev: Erdem Uslu
Pure CSS popup
Dev: Prakash
Fixed Popup CSS Only (Click outside of popup to close)
Dev: Trevor Nestman
Dev: yuku
CSS popup demo
Dev: Tayfun Erbilen
Details modal
Dev: Niels Voogt
Cookies Popup UI Design
Dev: Igor Milenkovic
CSS Modal
Dev: Pete Nawara
CSS Modal :target Selector
Dev: Jake Albaugh
CSS Responsive Modal
Dev: Thom Griggs
Pure CSS modal box
Dev: Kasper Mikiewicz
Pure CSS Modal
Dev: Mark Holmes
Pure CSS Modal
Dev: Austin Lord
Pure CSS Modal
Dev: Akshay
Pure CSS Modal window / Login & Sign up / Tabs / All Responsive
Dev: Andrew
CSS Modal (using :target)
Dev: Abubaker Saeed
CSS Modals
Dev: Abubaker Saeed
Pure CSS Modal + Slider
Dev: Marvin Orendain
CSS :target Modal
Dev: Matys
Pure CSS Modal
Dev: Ivan Grozdic
Modal (CSS only)
Dev: Simon
CSS pop up box with overlay
Dev: Matt Muroya
Pure CSS modal with :target
Dev: Adam Laki
CSS Modal (HTML & CSS)
Dev: April Auger
CSS Modal
Dev: Patryk
Sleek Modal (Pure CSS)
Dev: Kabir Shah
CSS only modal (input:checked)
Dev: Oleksandr Sapalsky
CSS Modal using :target Selector
Dev: Homer Gaines
CSS only modal
Dev: Jeff Ayer
FramerBox – White Wooden Framed Effect Modal/Lightbox
Dev: Martin Toole
CSS pop up
Dev: Ahmed Faisal
CSS Modal
Dev: Alexander Erlandsson
Login CSS modal
Dev: Sue Jensen
Pure CSS Modal (Slide Down From Top)
Dev: olimar
No js – Modals
Dev: Isaac Gregson
Smart, simple modal with Html & CSS. No js.
Dev: Tómas Thorvardarson
Sign Up Modal
Dev: Larissa Rabello
CSS Only toggle
Dev: Lasse Diercks
Material UI popup
Dev: Mikael Ainalem
Login modal
Dev: Mert Cukuren
Rémi’s pop-up
Dev: Tibo
Pop-up design
Dev: fajjet
Folding Modal
Dev: Blake Bowen
Super Simple Easy Modal /w ES6
Dev: Joshua Ward
Popup / Overlay
Dev: Fabio Ottaviani
Shattered popup (CSS)
Dev: Nikolay Talanov
Overlay Signup Form
Dev: Chris Deacy
Animate modal out from trigger
Dev: Popmotion
Super Easy Totally Cool Modal | CSS Only
Dev: Joshua Ward
Material Design Popup
Dev: Patrick Stillhart
Success Popup
Dev: Andreas Gillström
Linear Pop Up
Dev: Colin Hall-Coates
Pop-up with blurred background animation
Dev: Benjamin Dalton
Move Modal In on Path
Dev: Chris Coyier
Modal Animation Physics
Dev: Tey Tag
Login Form – Modal
Dev: Andy Tran
Materialize Modal example
Dev: mblarsen
Modal Dialog – CSS Only (JS optional)
Dev: ekrof
Boardal — An Onboarding Modal with Vue.js
Dev: Jase
Shifting Material Button Modal
Dev: Ettrics
Responsive Modal Design
Dev: Ettrics
Flat Modal Window
Dev: Dronca Raul
Responsive Modal
Dev: Nainoa Shizuru
Simplistic Dialog
Dev: Tristan White
CSS only modal
Dev: Kristoffer Östlund
Flappy Dialog
Dev: Alex
Modal with clip-path
Dev: Jonas Sandstedt
Modal Interaction with Genie Effect
Dev: balapa
Simple, flexible, and responsive flexbox-based modal
Dev: Bryan Chalker
Modal Dialog
Dev: David Fitas
3D dialog
Dev: Geza Dombi
Modal window destroy concept
Dev: LegoMushroom
Draggable Translucent Modal
Dev: Jesse Couch
Push Modal Idea
Dev: Short
Popups Styles
Dev: Mohamed Hasan
Search Field Popup
Dev: Myriam
Popup embed API example using buttons
Dev: Owners Codepen
Different Popups w/ Animation
Dev: Felix M