Here is a list of some amazing CSS fixed background examples that you can use on your website.
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Fixed Background Effect
Dev: vavik
Webkit Clip with Fixed Background
Dev: Richard
If mouse wheel down … scroll right
Dev: Kseso
Scrolling Backgrounds in CSS – Seattle Trip
Dev: Geoff Graham
Background Attachment Fixed within Container
Dev: Ali Klein
Pure CSS Background Image Scroll Effect
Dev: carpe numidium
Scroll Flip-Book
Dev: Derek Palladino
Fun with
Dev: Geoff Yuen
Slide Sign In/Sign Up form
Dev: Danielkvist
Parallax World of UGG
Dev: Andrew
Grid w/fixed background
Dev: Jacob Potvin
Infinito Web Design Studio – Portfolio Zipline
Dev: Thiago Ferreira
Image layout with the power of flex
Dev: Christopher Schuck